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Carron Baths that are Value for Money

by admin 14 May 2012
There are installations for the home that present a more important investment and require us to take real time and consideration over making a choice that perfectly suits our home and the room it is being placed inside. Fireplaces, beds and ovens are great examples of this, but the baths we choose stand out as they can provide the whole family with a warm, safe sanctuary to relax inside. Here at Serene Bathrooms, we have a wide range of Carron baths that will not only enhance your bathroom and home in every way, but also offer great value for money. Carron baths are the quintessential choice for any bathroom of any size or style for a whole host of reasons, and these begin with the array of different types that are available – all of which are in stock and ready for quick deliver from us here at Serene Bathrooms. You will quickly find Carron baths which include: -    Single End Baths -    Double End Baths -    Freestanding Baths -    Shower baths -    Celsius Range -    Corner Baths -    Hydrotherapy Baths Whether you are looking for a Single End Bath or a Corner Bath, you will find what you need as under each type, you will find a breadth of further styles which are all affordably priced and, more often than not, marked down from their original price. Simply look for the ‘Best Buy’ symbol and this is where you will find the most value for your money. However, the value of Carron baths doesn’t simply centre around the price, as the superior build quality and materials used to create each bath result in guarantees of up to 20 years – showing you right away that this will be an investment of both style and quality. Take a look through the range today and you could be lighting the scented candles and stepping into your new bath before you know it. Disclaimer of Endorsement: Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by Serene Bathrooms. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of Serene Bathrooms, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
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