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Strangest Bathroom Designs From Around The World

by admin 11 Sep 2016
Strangest Bathroom Designs We spend a lot of time in bathrooms, and when you're out and about, most of them are pretty standard. However, every so often, you stumble upon a unique bathroom. There’s no reason why all bathrooms have to function in the same way, and it’s quite refreshing when you come across a funky looking bathroom. We’ve found some wonderfully weird bathroom designs from around the world to show you. Tell us your favourites in the comments below.

Expensive tastes?

Luxury doesn’t have to go out the window and neither does the content of your chamber pot with this bathroom. Dolce and Gabanna had a restaurant called the Gold Room in Milan Italy with an interior of golden bamboo walls, sparkling sinks and the fanciest toilets you’ve ever seen. If you wanted to feel priceless while relieving yourself, this was the place to be, it’s sad it’s no longer open.

Gold Bathroom

Source: Trip Advisor

Or happy with the basics?

Westernised toilets are becoming more popular in China but if you go there you should be ready to use the classic squat toilet. In fact, using these toilets is supposed to be ideal for the human body in terms of position, a fact we’re sure you’re happy to know. 


Squat Toilet

Source: Go China About

Love the sea?

Well you really don’t have to be away from the fishes for long, or at all, with this funky toilet. Those novelty acrylic toilet seats filled with fishes and fake seaweed are part and parcel of this toilet, but so is the real thing! In the tank there’s a full-on aquarium complete with live fish, real seaweed and a continual undersea display every time you need to relieve yourself!

Fishy Toilet Source: Huffington Post

Lacking space?

Well don’t worry, with the vertebrae vertical bathroom, you aren’t going to be using up much floor space up. This bathroom operates from a single column with swinging sections including a toilet at the base, storage compartments, a sink and even a shower!   It’s chrome-y look gives it a space age style ideal for any chic modern apartment where a lack of space doesn’t have to destroy your style.

Vertical Bathroom

Source: Popular Mechanics

Playing games

It’s common to have ‘bathroom’ books for people to read while using your toilet. In fact, in our mod-con world, it’s one of the only places you can get a bit of peace and quiet. But what if you’re not a reader? Well, then this toilet is for you. This cleverly design bathroom incorporates a gaming console and screen into the floor so while you’re chilling to the call of nature you can get a few rounds of Mario Kart or Call of Duty in.  

Gamers Bathroom Source: Bored Panda

Floating away

When we were looking at weird and wonderful bathroom designs, this was by far the funkiest. Turns out that using the bathroom in space isn’t that easy. Just imagine water flying all over the place thanks to a lack of gravity? If you aren’t careful there are a lot of other things that could go floating away…but NASA sorted a solution for this.   Think, strapping yourself onto your toilet, a good amount of airflow and suction, and if all else fails an extra vacuum tube. We doubt that anyone on this planet will go for this bathroom design but hey, it was fun to look at.

Space Bathroom


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