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Things That Will Make You Want To Spend More Time At Home

by admin 27 Oct 2016
  title-picture Sometimes we get stuck in a bit of a rut, and end up not wanting to spend much time at home. This can be for many different reasons, such as your house being too cluttered, having too many jobs to do at home and not having those special touches that make a house feel like a home. Here’s some things that will make you want to spend more time at home: 1 - Round

Having a tidy house

[caption id="attachment_928" align="alignnone" width="750"]tidy-home Source: Feedster[/caption] The last thing you want to do after a hard day at work is come home to a messy house. It’s actually been proven that living in a cluttered, untidy house can have an impact on your mental health. Having clutter makes it more difficult to relax in your home, both mentally and physically. 2 - Round

Redecorating your home

[caption id="attachment_932" align="alignnone" width="1000"]home-redecoration Source: Dreams[/caption] Is your home in desperate need of a revamp? You won’t want to spend much time in a house that hasn’t been decorated to your tastes. The more effort you put into redecorating your home, the more likely you will want to spend time there. You don’t have to go all out, sometimes just a fresh lick of paint or some new carpets can make all the difference. 3 - Round

Cosy Stuff

[caption id="attachment_916" align="alignnone" width="640"]cosy Source: Lights4Fun[/caption] There’s nothing better than coming home to a cosy house with lots of cosy stuff to make you feel comfy and relaxed. Treat yourself to a new sofa rather than getting by with the one you’ve had for ten years, it makes such a difference. Stock up on soft blankets, pillows and throws, especially during the winter months. Things like scented candles and strategic lighting can also help you to feel more at home and enable you to fully enjoy your down time. 4 - Round

Go Out More

It may be simple advice, but the more you go out and about, the more you want to come back home and unwind. Get out of the house during the day for a bit, so you can enjoy your time at home and you don’t go a little house crazy. 5

Epic Night's In

[caption id="attachment_933" align="alignnone" width="1200"]family-time Source: Feedster[/caption] If there’s one thing that’s going to make you want to stay home more it’s epic night’s in. The evenings you are able to be at home, plan some enjoyable things to do, such as a Netflix marathon, movie nights and delicious homemade dinners.   6 - Round

Spending Quality Time At Home With Loved Ones

Three cute kids using a digital tablet. Sometimes it’s the rare night’s in you have together with your loved ones that are the best. Make sure you plan time during the day or evening where you can do something together. You can go out and travel the world but at the end of the day the home is where the heart is. Why? Partly because your loved ones are there waiting for you.
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